Leadership and community

Leadership is not just about us, it is about how we have been fortunate to leverage knowledge and expertise from across the sector to guide us in developing an innovative and low cost solution to help improve outcomes for children and young people.

We are proud to be breaking new ground in technology that the sector so desperately needs, while recalling that the longest journey starts with the first step.   

Guiding Principles

In order to deliver a smooth and seamless path to choosing, commissioning and paying for the right therapist for your needs, the solution adopts the core design principles of Security; Usability; and Automation. In this way, it delivers benefits for each stakeholder group, with no monthly subscription fees.

Mother and toddler looking at a tablet screen

Security you can trust

Security has been designed in from the start with full GDPR* compliance

All therapist profiles are reviewed and qualifications checked before they are published on the directory. Edits and qualification validity are also checked to provide confidence to commissioners. All data is encrypted both in transit and at rest; CYP records are minimal, containing no personal data. Alias capability ensures anonymity and aliases (or names if used) are deleted once the course is completed. No physical CYP documentation is held on the platform.

*GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation, a set of rules designed to give you more control over your personal data. This means we handle your information responsibly and securely, respecting your rights and ensuring your data is used only as you intend. For more information click here

Teenager looking at the TACaccess registration page

Simple, clean and accessible

Ease of use is key to the user interface

The platform is designed for non-technical users with simple, uncluttered screens and clear transactional paths. No training is required and on-boarding is aided by clear stage by stage wizards.

Person holding a phone looking at the TACaccess finance screen

Maximising automation and information

Automated straight-through-processing combined with full financial transparency 

Course funding and payments are made automatically on the back of agreement acceptance and session completion. For therapists, a single monthly omnibus payment is made 7 days after month end for all sessions that were marked as “complete” on the platform. Financial reporting is always available on the home screen and all financial flows are designed to operate without the need for manual intervention. Earnings forecasts are updated automatically on session completion.

Our Journey

It began by accident, literally a mountain boarding accident that placed Ruth in plaster with time to consider the difficulties of sourcing specialist therapy for CYP and how this problem could be tackled. TACaccess resulted from this period of enforced rest. 

Team Around the Client combined with access to the right help fast and economically began life in 2020 as a directory of therapists that parents and CYP could use to choose who they would like to receive support from. 

Whilst the directory was a great success, by 2023 it became clear to make a real and lasting difference on a UK-wide level, the offering required a more sophisticated platform combined with a delivery model operating on a commercial basis.

Enter Navora Capital, a fund specialising in business software and process improvement. Enabling the directory to expand it functional footprint. The result is a peer to peer engagement platform using innovation to deliver contract and payments automation with the lowest cost model available.

The journey continues…

Our Team

Our leadership team all come with long and successful careers behind them bringing the experience and diverse skills needed to make this endeavour work for all our stakeholders.

Ruth Simmonds

Ruth Simmonds

Co-founder and CYP Champion
An experienced educator, school governor, charity trustee and safeguarding trainer, Ruth brings over 25 years of energy and passion for improved outcomes across the full spectrum of education. LinkedIn

Julian Rose

Julian Rose

Co-founder, Head of Communications and On-boarding
A teacher, head and senior local authority leader of over 30 years’ experience, Julian built a career around child-centred learning where families and the community are both driving and supportive allies. LinkedIn

Steve Powell

Steve Powell

Director of Engineering
Previous co-founder of a successful business software company with global reach, Steve adds over 25 years experience in delivery of innovative solutions across a wide range of business domains. LinkedIn

Shawn McMorran

Shawn McMorran

Executive Chairman
Shawn has spent his long and distinguished career partnering with talented management teams to drive growth initiatives and deliver on strategic goals in the software sector. LinkedIn